Unemployment remains a significant challenge for Albania and Kosovo. Still in the recent years it is pushing many young people to leave the country and find better opportunities abroad. Many others circulate unoriented in the labour market trying to find sustainable opportunities, but lacking competences and not being able to match with jobs.
The present labour markets in Albania and Kosovo have encountered several positive changes in the recent years improving both services for job seekers and employers (job givers). State and non-state stakeholders are more engaged in coordinating and exchanging to create a better labour market ecosystem.
The “Boost Employment” project aims at changing the livelihood of unemployed job seekers in Albania and Kosovo, through digital solutions, equal access, guided matching and engagement of public and non-public stakeholders.
Among the root causes unemployed job seekers face are the difficulty being oriented in the market, validation of their skills, lack of minimum incomes, lack of work experience, problems in social circles, loss of confidence, difficulty in finding a job, etc.
The project will work in 3 main directions to enhance the relations between job seekers and employers, by developing digital solutions of assessing, developing and matching skills, by establishing and enforcing policy and dialogue among key labour market stakeholders and by raising awareness among the mass population about the improved solutions and opportunities in Albania and Kosovo.
This project is part of the Swisscontact Development Programme, which is co-financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA.