
Despite impressive development and social welfare improvements, Tanzania continues to face considerable development challenges in economic distribution, population growth, unemployment, and education. The high unemployment rate is attributed to limited access to skills training, low enrolment into TVET institutions and a mismatch between available skills and the labour market needs. The Tanzanian Government has taken steps to decrease the skills gap. It has launched a Technical and Vocational Education and Training department and adopted an Education-Employment Link framework which will connect people who have completed their studies with available jobs.   

There are over 100 different languages spoken in Tanzania, making it the most linguistically diverse country in East Africa. Swahili is the national language, while the official language is English, resulting in a discrepancy between labour demands and available soft skills.

facts and Figures

  • Area: 945,087 km²
  • Population: 56 million
  • Administrative Capital: Dodoma
  • Commercial Capital: Dar es Salaam

Swisscontact in Tanzania

  • since 1979


2022 - 2026
Initial vocational education and training, Labour market insertion
Skills for Employment Tanzania

The Skills for Employment Tanzania (SET) Project seeks to improve self-employment prospects among the youth through the contribution to improved access, relevance and quality of vocational skills development.
Youth have difficulty finding employment due to limited access to skills training and a mismatch between available skills training and the...


Initial vocational education and training
Supporting the creation of Rural Inclusive Sustainable Enterprises in the Morogoro region 
The Rural Inclusive Sustainable Enterprises project, implemented through Swisscontact’s Skills for Employment Tanzania project, seeks to create green jobs for 400 youth by developing their skills in sustainable entrepreneurship. National and community volunteers will support the initiative and engage with the young people and their community in the periphery of a nature reserve.
Patricia Danzi, Director General of SDC, visits the Skills for Employment Tanzania (SET) project
Ms. Patricia Danzi, Director General of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), and Mr. Peter Bieler, Head of Southern and Eastern Division at SDC, visited Tanzania last week. Jointly with the Swiss Ambassador to Tanzania, Mr. Didier Chaussot, they paid visits to selected projects including Skills for Employment Tanzania (SET) in Morogoro to talk to beneficiaries and project partners. 
Initial vocational education and training
Swiss Embassy Senior Management Visit the Skills for Employment Tanzania Project
On 17th June 2021, three senior management team members from the Swiss Embassy paid a courtesy field visit to the Skills for Employment Tanzania (SET) project. 
Country Director Tanzania
Sabine Roth


Swisscontact works in Tanzania as a facilitator in skills development to complement government efforts in youth empowerment.  

Economic, social, and academically disadvantaged youth are supported through tailor-made training opportunities to increase their employment chances and entrepreneurship opportunities. Projects are guided by a unique youth and market-driven learning group model, which is focused on three broad and fast-growing sectors. These are agribusiness, construction, and hospitality, which require more locally skilled personnel to meet demand and enhance growth.  

The Skills for Employment project employs an Inclusive Markets system approach which explores the limits and opportunities in-built in the existing Technical and Vocational Education Training system. The project seeks to improve the prospects of self-employment among the youth through a sustainable and systemic contribution to improved access, relevance, and quality of vocational skills development.  

Since ownership is critical for sustainability, our projects apply a participatory approach which involves joint action planning with all partners. Both strategic and implementing partners drive systemic change and act as multipliers to improve the system. 

Taka ni Mali - Waste is Wealth
The Taka ni Mali project contributed to adequate employment opportunities in solid waste collection and recycling, while reducing environmental degradation and health risks through efficient and sustainable solid waste management systems.

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Swisscontact Tanzania
Plot no. 105, Pamba Street
P.O. Box 48, Morogoro