We adopt a systems approach to influence our processes and guide our actions in the design and delivery of interventions.
Our systems thinking and practice approach is driven by the principles of facilitation, sustainability and impact at scale. It enables us to see the larger systems in which we work and helps us to address the morphing and deeply rooted problems our partners and target beneficiaries encounter in ever changing and complex environments. It defines how we approach a problem, uncover opportunities and design and deliver a systemic solution or an intervention. We act as a systems facilitator and enable local actors to take direct ownership of and drive systems change. This approach builds capacity within the systems in which we engage and brings about positive lasting change for our target groups.
ISD is mainstreamed into our operations and activities and is fully integrated within organisational functions and each stage of the project cycle. Systems thinking and practice is a value driver that ensures consistency in how we design and deliver our projects and assures the quality of our results.
We apply a systemic approach: this means acting as trainers, facilitators and enablers, seeking to address the underlying issues in a system and enable local organisations and partners to ensure they take direct ownership of systems change. This is how we achieve sustainable impact at scale.
Swisscontact implements its projects with an evidence-based and adaptive management approach based on a standardized monitoring and results measurement system. This makes it possible for us to keep our projects impact-oriented and to apply timely corrective actions within our interventions. Systematic results monitoring in our projects is the key to quality assurance.
We use the insights gained from the monitoring system to regularly review and update project strategies. This ensures that our projects use resources effectively and achieve their intended impact.
The quality standard for Swisscontact’s monitoring and impact measurement system is aligned with internationally-recognized best practices such as the Donor Committee for Enterprise Development (DCED) standard.
We continuously develop and embed new learning methodologies, increasing knowledge, competence and performance within our organisation.
Our learning culture is an important element and prerequisite for Swisscontact’s success, and this is how we stay competitive.
Thus, creating a modern learning culture is crucial not only for Swisscontact’s partners and clients, but also for our organisation as a whole. One of the success factors is sharing knowledge both internally and beyond Swisscontact, implementing it in specific action.
Our learning culture encompasses important content management, knowledge transfer and intelligent application of IT and communications technologies.
Our projects draw from our learning culture in all phases of the cycle. Throughout, direct interaction is just as important as the ability to integrate virtual spaces and rooms in the work environment. In so doing, we are able to create an inspiring learning culture that motivates our employees to learn and apply new skills.
Private businesses are the engine of economic development, generating income and jobs. We cultivate and expand partnerships with local and international companies in order to strengthen their and their employees’ activities.
Swisscontact collaborates with the private sector on various levels: as a partner in project implementation, as an actor within various value chains and as financing partner for our project activities.
Swisscontact takes on the role of facilitator between actors in the private and public sectors. We promote new business models and level the playing field to facilitate access to information, resources, and finance. Our neutral role allows us to establish long-term relations between the public and private sectors. This in turn improves the economic environment and encourages both private and public investment.