The first webinar titled “NVQS as a TVET reform agenda in Nepal” was conducted on 8 June 2021, which received great participation and feedback from the participants. The second webinar titled “Importance and Relevance of NVQS for Employers” organized on 25 June 2021, emphasized on how NVQS can address the need of employers. In addition, the webinar provided an insight on how NVQS can contribute to the employers and highlighted the crucial role that employers play while developing NVQS System.
In the first part of the webinar, Team Leader of NVQS-P, Swisscontact, Mr. Devi Prasad Dahal through his presentation, provided insights to the audience regarding how NVQS as a system works, and why the country is in dire need for its implementation. In addition, Mr. Dahal brought forward the issues of supply and demand of skilled work force faced by domestic and international job market currently. He elaborated on how Qualification Framework works, and what it assures. He also briefly went through the National Qualification Framework (NQF) which has already been approved by the Government of Nepal (GoN). Furthermore, major achievements of NSTB/NVQS till date was also shared. The Team Leader concluded his presentation explaining how an induvial, industry/employer, training institute, government and the nation can benefit by implementing NVQF.
Similarly, in the second part of the webinar, Vice President for Confederation of Nepalese Industries (CNI), Mr. Birendra Raj Pandey presented on the topic “Private Sector’s Engagement in TVET and Role of NVQS”. Mr. Pandey, in his opening slides, gave a glimpse of industry’s contribution in national economy. He further elaborated the challenges related to skill shortage that industries/employers are currently dealing with, and its severe impact on overall economy. Mr. Pandey not only pointed out the issues of the employers but also presented some key reform approaches including engagement of private sector in TVET through NVQS. At the end, he also suggested how NVQS with the private sector engagement can facilitate in TVET reform process.
There was representation from FNCCI, CNI, FNCSI, FCAN, Hotel Association and the members of more than forty professional associations in the webinar. Officials from federal and provincial level bodies, Directors of CTEVT (Federal and Provincial Level), and national TVET experts participated in the webinar. In total, 286 people participated in the webinar directly through Zoom, and 1,175 people viewed the webinar live via NSTB’s Facebook page (till 6 pm, 25 June). Question and Answer session was conducted after the presentations, and the panelists along with Director of NSTB answered the queries from participants. The event was formally closed by the Director of NSTB, Mr. Tek Bahadur Malla together with his short speech and vote of thanks to all the distinguished guests for their valuable presence in the webinar.
The video record including presentation of the webinar can be accessed through the link below