SUSTOUR & STED: strengthened competitiveness and resilience in tourism

Sustainable tourism
Tourism is a key factor for the Indonesian economy and the creation of jobs, but it has been strongly undermined by the COVID-19 pandemic. With Sustainable Tourism Destination Development (SUSTOUR) and Sustainable Tourism Education Development Project (STED), Swisscontact is strengthening the resilience and competitiveness of select tourism destinations in Indonesia.

In the SUSTOUR project, Swisscontact is supporting the government to develop more secure and reliable services that meet Indonesian and Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) standards. The STED project links the tourism industry with Lombok Tourism Polytechnic (Poltekpar) in order to provide students with more hands-on training and prepare its graduates for the labour market.

SUSTOUR: challenge accepted – sustainable tourism practices implemented

SUSTOUR implemented a training and coaching programme called “Hospitality Practices on Sustainability” (HOPS) for hotel managers in Labuan Bajo (Flores) and Wakatobi. The HOPS programme was developed in collaboration with a national training institute and is an important instrument to implement the Indonesian Cleanliness, Health, Safety and Environmental Sustainability (CHSE) certification programme.

"The entire sustainability programme, from school through training and coaching up to verification had great impact on tourism in Wakatobi, particularly in the implementation of competitive and sustainable business practices after the pandemic. I’m happy that all six pilot hotels were able to implement the requirements conscientiously and pass the verification process. May this proven practice continue and serve as a fine example for other businesses."
Nadar, S.IP., M.Sc.,  Director of the Office of Tourism and Creative Economy as well as Advisor for implementation of the CHSE programme in Wakatobi

More guests thanks to integrated sustainability

The Hotel Mira in Wakatobi is a good example of the success of the HOPS programme. Once sustainability had been incorporated comprehensively in the business model, occupancy increased by 30%.  

"We are very grateful to have participated in the programme, thanks to which we have gained new insights and feel more comfortable in dealing with our guests today. Late last year we achieved an increase in bookings. We determined that in addition to our regular guests, many new guests came as well. We firmly believe that even marketing tips also helped, for example our Instagram channel, on which we posted our new sustainability rules."
Eva Puspa Rini, Member of the Management Team at Hotel Mira Wakatobi

After the HOPS pilot phase, the government of West Manggarai and other municipal authorities on the island of Flores implemented the programme in their respective jurisdictions, where they reached out not only to hotels but also to restaurants. 

This underscores how innovative and sustainable measures along with collaboration with various partners in the private sector and government can help to revive and strengthen tourism in Indonesia.

STED: labourers connected with the private sector

In 2021, the STED Project brought industry partners of Lombok Tourism Polytechnic on board to help with curriculum development. The private sector’s contribution resulted in trainings in general services, such as how an organisation or its employees should conduct themselves at a reception, etc. All measures included in the trainings were harmonised with the national qualification standards.

"I am so pleased to see how the curriculum for hotel employees has improved so much because it has received direct inputs and experiences from experts in the sector."
Agung Sedana, Lecturer, Politeknik Pariwisata

Both industry partners and the polytechnic benefited from their exchange: the private sector benefits because it can hire qualified employees, while the polytechnic is now equipped both with training curricula that meet current needs and with well-trained teachers.

"It is always a pleasure to garner and share information on the job-related aspects of my field of specialization; to know that these will be used makes me even happier."
Adam Malik, Industry Expert for Butler Training
2018 - 2022
Initial vocational education and training, Sustainable tourism
Sustainable Tourism Education Development Project
Tourism is an important part of the Indonesian economy and an important source for generating employment and foreign exchange reserves. Swisscontact has been actively supporting the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism since 2009 to strengthen the competitiveness of selected tourism destinations.The Government of Indonesia has set a number of objectives...
2018 - 2022
Sustainable tourism
Sustainable Tourism Destination Development
Tourism is an important part of the Indonesian economy and a significant source of employment and foreign exchange earnings.Recognizing the potential of tourism as driver for economic development and inclusive growth, since 2009, the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) has actively supported the Ministry of Tourism & Creative...