Programme Associate Intern

Regional Investment Support for Entrepreneurs (RISE)

Chutema Seng joined Swisscontact as a Programme Associate Intern in the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Building. With great interest to develop a diverse entrepreneurship ecological community in Cambodia, Chutema works to facilitate the Entrepreneurial Events and management of Give A Day, Ecosystem Builders Network, and CAMESCO, conducts survey reports and analyses, and assists the implementation of the Monitoring and Result Management System (MRM). Chutema is an enthusiastic and resilient youth with a vivid background in Public Speaking and Debate. She has received the Certificate of Best Debating Skill Award from the JCI Debating Competition and was the second-place winner of the PUC-IFL Public Speaking Competition.

Chutema has successfully graduated with a Dual Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration (BBA) from the University of Arizona (UA) and the American University of Phnom Penh (AUPP).