SDP is co-funded by Asian Development Bank (ADB), Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and Government of Bangladesh (GoB). The project is implemented by the Directorate of Technical Education (DTE), Ministry of Education (MoE) Bangladesh with Swisscontact providing technical assistance as the lead consortium partner.
The main goals of the project are (i) enhanced relevance of and access to technical and vocational education and training (TVET) programmes, (ii) improved capacity for good quality TVET delivery and (iii) delivery of relevant skills training. SDP has been restructured from a large investment project to an intervention that combines investments with testing of new approaches in TVET that will serve as hands-on experience for future sector development. The project continue support by focusing on enhancing quality and relevance of TVET by improving its policy, providing institutional and organisational strengthening, ensuring gender balance, and building capacity.
SDP has introduced competency-based training (CBT) and delivered skills training to thousands of TVET teachers. The challenges for the project include its complex design lengthy approval procedures.
Selected results of 2015