Scaling Suitable Sustainable Technologies (S3)

The Scaling Suitable Sustainable Technologies, led by the University of Tennessee, is a sub-award under the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Collaborative Research on Sustainable Intensification at Kansas State University, funded by the USAID.
Through the employment of the gender and ecologically sensitive impact pathways mapped during the 2015-2020 WAgN-Cambodia project, the project will advance the capacity and roles of scaling agents in technology diffusion through applied research, technical assistance, curricula development and organizational strengthening. This process demonstrates the potential for scaling technologies through local, national, and regional networks and for uptake of sustainable intensification (SI) technologies by rice-based farmers and others, serving as a regional model for self-reliance.
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Project duration
2020 - 2023
Financed by

The project

The project will scale three technologies: 1. vegetable grafting, 2. post-rice secondary cropping, and 3. wild gardens. These innovations promote the diversification and resilience of smallholder systems by introducing new sources of income and nutrition during seasonal “food gaps,” across different agricultural spaces and serving different functions in livelihood strategies.

Vegetable grafting and wild gardens also contribute to value chains that have traditionally engaged women in Cambodia. S3 seeks to achieve scalable and sustainable solutions by engaging the private and public sectors to promote these market-oriented technologies. Meanwhile, S3 pursues diffusion and adoption of technologies for different user groups through two impact pathways:

  • Strengthening the participation of agricultural groups in value chains for horticultural foods produced through SI practices: The project engages scaling partners to provide groups with the necessary skills, tools and market linkages to increase their production and expand into new markets. This is supported by improved access to germplasm for producers. The project equips scaling partners to establish plant nursery businesses and supports seed companies to develop commercial markets for cover crops.
  • Extending SI principles and practices from secondary schools to farm families: The project engages students in experiential learning opportunities by establishing “green labs” at secondary schools. Students receive a combination of hands-on training in SI practices. This preparation culminates in the establishment of student home gardens featuring grafted vegetables and wild gardens. Demonstration gardens and home gardens allow school communities to evaluate new practices before applying them at the field or farm scale. The process of technology evaluation and diffusion is supported by applied, participatory research on the agronomic and nutritional qualities and marketing potential for these crops.

Expected Results

  • Strengthen the participation of agricultural groups in the local and regional value chains
  • Facilitate adoption of SI technologies in secondary school communities
  • Improve institutional capacity of partners to scale up SI innovation in their network
  • Improve evidence-based for program design and policy alignment to support the scale up of SI



Implementing Partners