Quality Technical and Vocational Education and Training for Youth (QualiTY)

The QualiTY project aims to increase the employability of youths through TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) governance by defining its standards, support each sphere of government to implement those standards including strengthening the capacity of all stakeholders and TVET schools.
Financed by
  • Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC

2022 - 2026

The rationale to design the QualiTY project emanates from on-the-ground realities at TVET school level and from the opportunities presented by the federalisation process to create an enabling environment for TVET school to perform better. Whilst TVET is recognised as an important driver of economic growth and social inclusion, TVET schools struggle with declining attendance of the youths to TVET programmes, with inadequate plans, human and financial resources and ultimately with their limited ability to offer programmes that capture the commitment of the private sector as a partner and of youths as beneficiaries.

The lack of incentives is derived from the absence of accreditation procedures for TVET schools. Unavailability of qualified teachers outdated or unadopted curriculum due to limited resources have diminished the quality of numerous TVET programmes delivered across the country and are neither incentivised nor coerced to improve the quality. 

The Project

The QualiTY project will provide support to each sphere of the government to fulfil their constitutional mandate in TVET to improve TVET school’s performance and ultimately the quality of the graduates for better employment prospects. 

The impact hypothesis is that if the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST) provides  coherent national quality standards and procedures, if provincial  governments  implement  the  accreditation procedure,  coach TVET school Principals  and collaborate with local governments to manage TVET schools and if TVET schools as a result of the coaching enrol and retain youth  in  quality TVET programmes,  then Nepali youth, including  from disadvantaged groups, will benefit from better employment prospects because quality of education is ensured by TVET schools’ adherence to common standards and transparent accreditation procedure.

Innovative tools will include e-learning platforms for all types of learners and the use of management information systems (MIS) for project management and monitoring and for monitoring the quality of schools.

Primary beneficiaries
Nepali youths including disadvantaged groups.

Secondary beneficiaries
TVET schools of all categories and each sphere of government.

Project Goals

The QualiTY project will support Nepali youth including from disadvantaged groups benefit from quality TVET and better employment prospects.

Project Partners

Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST); Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT) at Federal level; Ministry for Social Development/Education (MoSD/E) at Province level; and Municipalities and TVET schools at local level.

Expected Results

Outcome 1: MoEST provides coherent national standards for TVET and procedures and monitors quality of their implementation.

  • 1 national accreditation standard and 1 accreditation procedure are endorsed by the Intergovernmental Council.
  • 1 national instructor licensing standard and 1 licensing procedure are endorsed by the Intergovernmental Council.
  • 250 TVET schools are accredited to “level A”.
  • 100% of the accredited schools receive the level of subsidy from provincial or local governments defined in the accreditation procedure.
  • 1’000 instructors are licensed, 500 from disadvantaged groups, out of which 300 are women.

Outcome 2: The Office for TVET in the Provinces implements the accreditation procedure and collaborate with local governments to manage TVET schools.

  • 70 TVET school principals receive coaching support through the Office for TVET.
  • 90% school principals are satisfied with mentoring and coaching/supervision provided by the Office for TVET.
  • 280 TVET school Principals receives orientation from the Office for TVET for applying for accreditation.
  • 75% of school principals seeking accreditation are satisfied with the procedure.
  • The Office for TVET processes 250 applications for accreditation submitted by TVET schools.
  • 250 accreditation verification visits (1 per school) are conducted by the Office for TVET and local governments to assess schools using national quality standards.

Outcome 3: TVET schools enrol and retain youth, including from disadvantaged groups, in quality TVET programmes.

  • 90% of 280 TVET schools supported by QualiTY apply for accreditation.
  • 60’000 youths are enrolled in TVET programmes in schools supported by phase 1, including 36’000 from disadvantaged groups, out of which 18’000 are women
  • 50 % of decrease in drop-out rate compared to baseline in TVET schools benefiting from the project’s support.