Uttoron project introduces internationally standardised advanced welding in Bangladesh

Continuing Vocational Education and Training, Labour market insertion
Uttoron project started internationally standardised advanced welding training

Uttoron- Skills for better life, a skills development project has introduced internationally standardized advanced welding training (4G/5G level) in Bangladesh in collaboration with Khulna Shipyard (KSY). KSY is one of the premier shipbuilding organizations of the country has partnered with Swisscontact and pioneered four (4) months of advanced welding training. After completing the training, the trainees will be assessed by Bureau Veritas, the international welding certification authority. The training program was inaugurated by Cdre. Shamsul Aziz, Managing Director of Khulna Shipyard, at an informal ceremony. At the inauguration ceremony, while addressing the first batch of selected trainees Cdre. Aziz said, “this is a great opportunity, and this will create scope for the trainees to achieve more success in the international job market as they acquire advanced will skills. KSY is very happy to be a part of this endeavor”. A total of 26 trainees started the training in the first batch. It’s important to mention that, currently, such advanced level welding training is not provided by any public or private training institute in Bangladesh; hence our workers are losing in competition in the international market. Uttoron-Skills for better life is a three-year skill development project funded by Chevron and implemented by Swisscontact.

2016 - 2022
Labour market insertion, Continuing Vocational Education and Training
Uttoron – Skills for better life
Uttoron strives to create easy access to training through effective Public Private Partnerships (PPP), bring innovation to the national skills sector and develop technical skills of disadvantaged youth through vocational training to ensure their well-being.