Uttoron organised a Management Orientation on Training Implementation Manual (TIM) for partner TSP staff in Dhaka

Continuing Vocational Education and Training, Labour market insertion
Uttoron project arranged a day-long management orientation on Training Implementation Manual (TIM) for its partner TSP staff in Dhaka on 12 June 2021. All the participants of the workshop were from UCEP-Mirpur Technical School and UCEP-Jatrabari Technical School

The objective of this workshop was to familiarise the management and the key staff from the TSP with the Uttoron project’s fundamental training related operating procedures. So, the workshop contained a detailed orientation about the project’s Training Implementation Manual (TIM) - including knowledge sharing sessions about the overall project, training implementation, job placement, finance, payment and other imperative guidelines. The workshop was planned taking all the safety precautions and hygiene issues in check considering the COVID-19 situation.