Uttoron launches digital training content for skills training

Uttoron-Skills for better life project in collaboration with REPTO has developed and published two digital training contents on electrical trade

With the enhancement of digital technology, the mode of teaching and learning has immensely evolved. The use of digital technology has made the learning more effective and efficient. Technical education is not an exception in this regard. With an aim to enhance effectiveness of skills training, Uttoron project in partnership with REPTO, an online based digital training platform, has piloted development of digital training contents. For this pilot run, Uttoron project has selected the following two activities from the curriculum of electrical trade:

The digital training contents are available on REPTO website and free for the viewers. It is expected that these digital training contents will be of assistance to the instructors of different training centers and will help the graduates from electrical trade to revive their learnings as and when required. Uttoron project will monitor the use and effectiveness of these digital training contents and will scale up such initiatives in future by applying the lessons learned from this pilot initiative. Uttoron project is grateful to Bangladesh Engineering Industry Owners Association (BEIAO) Light Engineering Training Institute for their technical support in producing the digital training content.

Uttoron - Skills for a better life, is a three-year (2016-2019) skills development project that aims to enhance employment opportunities for 1,400 youths by equipping them with market demanded skills. Uttoron supports community members to qualify for industry-driven trainings and positions them for new or improved employment opportunities. The project is funded by Chevron under Bangladesh Partnership Initiative (BPI) and is implemented by Swisscontact. By applying innovative approaches, the project has been successful in achieving remarkable results.