Transfer of knowledge and experiences in cashew production and sustainable agricultural practices 

Entrepreneurial ecosystems, Continuing Vocational Education and Training
Representatives of the cashew value chain, the business sector of the Gulf of Fonseca region, Central Government, NGOs and other actors participated in the presentation of results of the International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) under the partnership with the project Rural Market Opportunities in the Gulf of Fonseca.
The results of the joint work between CIAT and the Project are presented to representatives of the central government.
Presentation of the results of the LINK methodology to business stakeholders in the Gulf of Fonseca region.

CIAT presented its most relevant contributions to the cashew chain, highlighting the soil studies for cashew cultivation and the adoption of Sustainable Agriculture Adapted to Climate (ASAC) practices by producers assisted by the project.

At the enterprise level, CIAT shared the results of progress in the adoption of the LINK methodology as a key tool for the enterprise management of MSMEs assisted by the project.

With these interventions, men, women and youth of the Gulf of Fonseca region gained knowledge and fundamental tools for the improvement of their productive and entrepreneurial activities.  

Rural Market Opportunities in the Gulf of Fonseca is a project financed by Global Affairs Canada and implemented by Swisscontact. It seeks to strengthen the business opportunities of agricultural and non-agricultural micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) to improve their ability to participate and profit in markets.

2017 - 2022
Entrepreneurial ecosystems, Sustainable tourism
Rural Market Opportunities in the Gulf of Fonseca
The Dry Corridor is one of the most impoverished and economically depressed areas of Honduras. Here, 65% of households live below the poverty line, while 48% are extremely poor and experience high rates of malnutrition and other negative social consequences. Commercial agriculture for export is the main source of seasonal jobs for poor people,...