I am determined to earn an income to make a better life for my family

Initial vocational education and training
Mr. Thing Thor, a 35-year-old Hmong man, is a student in the Carpentry Department of the Integrated Vocational Education Training School (IVET) in XiengKhuang Province. 

Thing’s carpentry class has 21 students, and he is one of 17 in the class who are Lao ethnic minority peoples. He said he feels very supported in the project, “Sometimes when I did not understand the lessons, I asked the teacher for help. He helped me practice so I could do better in the class,” he said.  In addition to classroom support, the project Vocational Training and Employment Support Services (VTESS) provided clothing and school supplies. 

Thing said one of his reasons for studying carpentry was, “Because I am quite old and carpenters do not have to stand under the sun as in other fields of study."

Thing and his wife, who is a tailor, have five children and live in XiengKhuang Province. He wants to help his family to live better and lift them out of poverty. Thing’s goal after his graduation is to work in carpentry and save money to be able to build his own business.

"I did not finish the 3rd grade in secondary school, and because my parents are villagers who work in the fields, I thought I would never have an opportunity to continue my education.  I am very happy that VTESS project came to help and gave me the opportunity to further my studies."
Mr. Thing Thor
Mr. Thing Thor

The VTESS project supports the build-up and strengthening of an inclusive vocational education and training system in Laos. 

2019 - 2023
Initial vocational education and training
Vocational Training and Employment Support Services in Laos
VTESS will be an important vehicle to support the build-up and strengthening of an inclusive vocational education and training system in Laos. The focus will be on the strengthening of the Integrated Vocational and Education Training (IVET) pathway in order to facilitate the school to work transition of early school leavers, to provide them with...