To learn more about the workforce situation in his province, Suphat conducted a survey with the local labour department in Xieng Khuang.
After showing how studying agriculture is a viable option, short listing the trainees is the next challenge, “It is also important to take into account the willingness of the trainee to complete the course. If they lose interest too soon, then it will affect the planning of the internship and the overall results,” he said. “Taking a Certificate 1 course enables them to develop knowledge from a wide range of subjects. However, they have to choose and focus on the subject that they are passionate about and to build a career from it."
Suphat added that it is important that the students think of their internship as a stepping stone for them to be hired in the future. “It is an entry point for them to enter the labour market,” he said.
The feedback from the trainees is generally good about the project. The trainees are proud to be a part of the project because they get to continue their studies, hone their skills and gain work experience. It also gives them more opportunities to find a job. What Suphat likes about the project is that it contributes to higher employment rates for the trainees because of the coaching aspect.
He said, “It gives them the confidence they need during the hiring process and the overview of the labour market.” The project also provides the necessary equipment to the school and the trainees to support their studies.
Suphat expressed his appreciation for the VTESS project by saying, “We have received good support from the VTESS project; especially, the disadvantaged groups who are unable to continue their secondary education due to family economics or other problems. The project created opportunities for them to become self-sufficient and to be hired.”
The VTESS project supports the build-up and strengthening of an inclusive vocational education and training system in Laos.