The event was led by the state government and observed by state ministries, development organisations and the general public. Among the distinguished attendees at the opening ceremony were the Chief Minister of the State, Dr. Aye Zan, President of the Regional Parliament, Daw Tin Ei, Regional Minister of Planning, Finance, Immigration and Population, U Wunna Kyaw, members of cabinet, township administrators and private sector stakeholders. VSDP participated in the event, at a booth displaying the initiatives undertaken in its Local Vocational Training (LVT) component in Mon State.
The LVT booth was visited by the Chief Minister of Mon State. He expressed the need for vocational skills development in the region and acknowledged the impact Swisscontact is bringing for Mon State through the VSDP. He further engaged in a discussion with graduates from LVT courses on their training experience and future career plans. LVT received interest from more than 1,500 visitors during the event and some immediately applied for the upcoming training intake which will start in May 2019.
The Vocational Skills Development Program (VSDP) is implemented by Swisscontact and financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)/Embassy of Switzerland in Myanmar. The LVT Component has been implementing market oriented basic-level training courses for beautician, house wirer, tailor, rural mechanics, mason, plumber and sales clerk, aimed at improving skills, employability and potentially income of women and men from disadvantaged communities in Kayin and Mon States since 2015, training over 4,000 persons in these courses. Following the completion of the training, the VSDP organises post-training support for all graduates by creating networks for them with potential employers in Myanmar.