Skills to Build: Becoming a Professional Bricklayer

Continuing Vocational Education and Training, Labour market insertion
Júlio Timane attended a masonry course at the Obras Públicas Training Centre in Mozambique in 2019. He learned different types of construction activities in the training: how to build a brick wall, fix steel bars and build a slab. Before attending the training, he was a bricklayer assistant but thanks to the course he is now a professional bricklayer.

The 'Skills to Build' (S2B) project aims to improve competitiveness in terms of quality and productivity in the construction sector. With S2B, Swisscontact promotes vocational training to enable vulnerable young people to obtain training that will allow them to have access to better jobs and income. The project is funded by Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Medicor Foundation and the City of Zurich.