Myanmar's tourism and hospitality sector was severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic that has resulted in major lockdowns globally. Tourism in Myanmar employs approximately 500,000 staff directly and 802,000 indirectly¹ and the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism has stated that nearly 100,000 hospitality workers have been impacted and will continue to face an uncertain future.
The COVID-19 crisis is likely to lead to changes in hotels’ human resource strategies, and the sector at large and until now no founded research in Myanmar has been conducted to underline various assumptions with data.
The survey intends to provide an understanding on the short- to medium-term implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on Myanmar’s hotel industry, more specifically its human resources, and analysis of the post COVID-19 training and delivery needs in order to develop suitable modules to support the hospitality industry during this unprecedented crisis.
The survey was shared with the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism (MoHT), hospitality related associations, development partners in the tourism sector, and local and international businesses to support their planning on measures for this important sector of the economy.
Read the full survey >>
¹ Source: World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), Economic Impact Report 2017