Opening ceremony for Vocational Skills Development Program (VSDP) expansion of vocational training courses to Tanintharyi Region.

An opening ceremony for vocational training courses, implemented by Swisscontact as part of the Vocational Skills Development Program (VSDP) was held in Myeik, Taninthargyi region, on 06 May 2019.

The First Batch of training courses will take place from 06 May 2019 to 27 July 2019 for 12 weeks in Myeik, focusing on tailor training for 25 women and men from disadvantaged backgrounds. The VSDP is also delivering vocational training courses for Beauticians, House Wirers, Tailors, Rural Mechanics, Masons, Plumbers,  and Sales Clerks in 14 different locations throughout Mon and Kayin States, while planning further expansion into Tanintharyi Region.

Deputy Director General, Doctor Nay Myo Htun and Director, Doctor Pyae Kyaw Thu, Department of Technical and Vocational Education (DTVET), Ministry of Education, Deputy Director General, U Aung Htay Win, Department of Labour, Ministry of Labour, Immigration and Population, as well as other officials attended the event.

The VSDP is funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and implements LVT courses in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Labour, Immigration and Population.  During the first phase of the VSDP, which took place from February 2014 to April 2018, 3,955 women and men from disadvantaged backgrounds graduated from the Program’s vocational training courses in Mon and Kayin States. The second phase of the Program started in May 2018 and will continue until April 2022.