Through public-private partnerships with Kenyan and a few selected multinational companies, a training programme for plumbers and electricians is in development. This facilitates access to gainful employment for young Kenyan participants or those already in the labour force. Simultaneously, employers’ benefit from better-trained employees.
During this first phase, the project focused on various preparatory initiatives: for example, the training programmes, materials, and timetables were designed under close consultation with Swiss experts and Kenyan training institutes.
What is key to the project’s success are adequate training materials, which trainers and mentors – the expert supervisors in companies – require to prepare their classes throughout the two-year training course.
The trainings encompassed topics such as understanding the trainer roles, curriculum design and reviewing learning progress. Participants proved to be quite impressed by the programme throughout and felt well equipped for their future roles in the schools and at the companies.
"The programme was interactive and featured a lot of exchange with the experts. I benefited immensely and now I understand the education process a lot better."
Benjamin Muchina, trainer in electrical engineering
The project is being implemented by Swisscontact in collaboration with various partners. The goal is to successfully introduce a dual apprenticeship-based training model for the construction sector in Kenya. The focus during this first phase is in the fields of plumbing and electrical works.
"I wish I had gotten to know the Swiss experts while in college. This training I’ve participated in has demonstrated that in addition to the course contents, it is important to close the gap between the companies and the schools, and I’m sure this programme will change a lot of things. I like the approach of including trainees in the planning process before really taking on a task."
Phelix Arron, trainer in electrical engineering
The project is financed by the Hilti Foundation. It is a part of Swisscontact’s Development Programme, which is co-financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA.