Inclusion of Decent Work Agenda in the National Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) System

Continuing Vocational Education and Training, Labour market insertion
Bangladesh Technical Education Board (BTEB) has published the units of competency on decent work – a list of criteria against which decent work conditions for labours across Bangladesh is measured - on their national website. This national competency standard will here onwards be used as a referral document for teaching/training and to develop curricula, learning materials and assessment tools regarding decent work conditions for labours in Bangladesh.

BTEB, as the designated government body, is responsible for developing and regulating technical and vocational degrees, diplomas, and trade-specific courses throughout the country. BTEB is also in charge of designing curricula, developing learning material and assessment tools, granting affiliation to technical and vocational institutions, governing admissions, conducting examinations, and awarding certificates.

In an effort to create awareness among beneficiaries and enterprises, B-SkillFUL Phase I considered mainstreaming Labour Rights and Decent Work (LRDW) in the National Occupational Standards (standards of performance that individuals across the nation are expected to achieve in their workplace, and the knowledge and skills they need to perform effectively). In this regard, the project aimed to incorporate an additional unit of competency on LRDW issues in the list of generic competencies (set of skills, knowledge, and attitudes that allow to complete a task in a given context, when mobilized in an integrated manner) as well. B-SkillFUL Phase I closely worked with BTEB and the National Skills Development Authority (NSDA) to achieve this.

BTEB adopted this additional unit of competency highlighting the LRDW agenda during a workshop. The unit comprised of four elements of competency, i.e., forms of employment, employment standards and conditions, safe workplace, and entitlements at workplace. This unit will help the labour force be aware of their rights and responsibilities at their respective workplaces. This document owned by the Government of Bangladesh (GoB) will serve as the base document for providing trainings consistent with the existing quality assurance systems. To that end, it is a milestone for B-SkillFUL Phase I to have a successful collaboration with the GoB and publishing this document on the BTEB website.

The units of competency have been developed by the Technical Sub Committee (TSC) established by the Informal Sector Industry Skills Council (ISISC), under the guidance of B-SkillFUL Phase I, and approved by the Standard and Curriculum Development Committee (SCDC) under BTEB. The rules of skill development policy are maintained to develop these standards. The unit of competency will be the foundation on which new competency-based training curricula will be developed that would respond better to the industry’s need for skilled workers.

B-SkillFUL Phase I (2015-2020) is jointly funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the European Union (EU) and implemented by Swisscontact. The project aims to improve the well-being of 40,000 poor and disadvantaged individuals by increasing their access to labour market and enhancing their incomes, while safeguarding their fundamental rights at work. The project facilitates implementation of training programmes through local Training Service Providers on demand driven skills. B-SkillFUL Phase I also raises awareness among graduates and informal sector enterprises on issues of LRDW.

Find the units of competency on decent work here: