Swisscontact shares experience in safe construction

From November 16th to 19th Swisscontact participates in the international event "Europe Housing Forum - Building foundations for the future of affordable housing", sharing its experience with projects in safe construction. 

Cecilia Rivera, Project Manager of Construya Peru and Country Director of Swisscontact Peru, will take part in the panel "Applying market systems development approaches to housing: the journey so far" sharing the experiences achieved in recent years in two projects about safe construction, held in Colombia and Peru, as well as the High-level working group initiative: better and safer construction in informal settlements in Latin America and the Caribbean.

This important panel, to be held on November 17th, 14:30 CET (8:30 EST), brings together specialists from the safe and sustainable construction sector and seeks to gather different actors in the housing sector to share lessons learned, collaborate and position housing as a key driver of sustainable cities and economic growth.

The initiative "High-level working group: better and safer construction in informal settlements in Latin America and the Caribbean, is financed by Hilti Foundation and facilitated by Swisscontact. It conducts a series of workshops bringing together key stakeholders covering different dimensions of informal construction (financial, legal, technical, commercial and business). The objective is to discuss and define an innovative and holistic approach to safer construction in informal settlements.

This initiative contemplates the participation of different organizations such as Cities Alliance, Habitat for Humanity, BuildChange, Miyamoto International, Techo, World Bank, UNIAPRAVI and Arup that seek to address the main challenges surrounding informal/unsafe housing, among them. Joining efforts in the process of co-creating holistic solutions (including capitalizing on existing solutions and exploring synergies).

More information about the event at:

2019 - 2023
Continuing Vocational Education and Training
Peru: Promotion of Safe, Sound and Sustainable Construction Practices in Vulnerable Urban Areas (Construya)
Accelerated urbanization, a lack of urban planning and a significant housing deficit have generated an increasing number of informal dwellings. It is estimated that 500,000 homes and more than 700,000 people in Lima live in conditions that place them at high-risk of earthquakes and tsunamis, making Peru one of the countries most likely to...
2019 - 2021
Continuing Vocational Education and Training, Labour market insertion
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