The stakeholders met for a kick-off meeting on the 28th of September. The participants represented the needs of intellectual property users in their sectors. The key purpose of the meeting was to identify the potential and relevant IP public and private institutions as strategic partners to collaborate with the Training Center for conducting trainings and identify their needs.
The ALSIP project is providing assistance through an international expert and a local consultant to prepare and facilitate the decision-making process in order to obtain a valid and corporately accepted strategy for the DGIP’s training center and to set up and help organize the workshops for the strategy development.
The General Directorate of Industrial Property of Albania (GDIP) organized the launching event for the National Strategy of Intellectual Property 2022-2025, on the 5th of October, for all stakeholders that have contributed to the drafting of the document.
Mr. Patrik Meier, Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Switzerland acknowledged the efforts of the Albanian institutions in the intellectual property field.