Consultation Workshops with Enterprise-Based-Training (EBT)

Initial vocational education and training
During the end of December 2021, the project staff of the Employment Support Services (ESS) held consultation workshops with representatives of the enterprise sector in Salavane, Khammouan an Xayabuly.  And during January 2022 similar workshops will also take place in Oudomxay and Xiengkhouang.

The objective of these workshops is to seek interests and cooperation of enterprises in the provinces to provide training for young people at their workplaces. During the meetings the project staff informs the enterprise representatives about the VTESS project, the specific objective of Enterprise Based Training (EBT) and discusses with them the possibility and ways for collaboration for EBT. Enterprises represented are electrical installation workshops, barber shops, beauty salons, tailoring business, hotel and restaurant business, motorcycle, and mechanical repair workshops, driving schools farming enterprises and others.

Young people participating in ESS activities must undertake short technical training (3-4 months) in an occupation of their choice as part of their individual development. Because training centers such as e.g. IVET schools have limitations in accepting trainees and/or cannot offer suitable training courses, the project explores the option of EBT with interested enterprises in the provinces as a possible alternative for ESS participants to acquire skills training.

2019 - 2023
Initial vocational education and training
Vocational Training and Employment Support Services in Laos
VTESS will be an important vehicle to support the build-up and strengthening of an inclusive vocational education and training system in Laos. The focus will be on the strengthening of the Integrated Vocational and Education Training (IVET) pathway in order to facilitate the school to work transition of early school leavers, to provide them with...