Improving digital skills for staff of Polytechnic schools

Continuing Vocational Education and Training
In the engineering industry, computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing are becoming increasingly important. One of the challenges in the Indonesian labour market is that the skills required on the market are not adequately matched with the qualifications acquired through the national education system due to the technological progress. The programme Skills for Competitiveness collaborates with partner schools to develop digital skills at Indonesian technical colleges in order to educate technicians/engineers as per the needs of the private sector. 
Lecturers and technicians participate in the Computer-Aided Design (CAD) training

Core competencies in the field of mechanical and electrical engineering include stress testing, flow simulation and skills to use Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software for 3D design such as virtual assembling.

In spring 2021, the programme Skills for Competitiveness (S4C) held a CAD training course for lecturers and technicians of partner schools, the AK-Manufacturing Bantaeng and Metal Industry Politeknik of Morowali. The aim was for participants to learn basic computer-based design so that they can put their newly gained skills into practice when teaching design courses in multiple study programmes.

Participants of the Google Data Studio course

It is essential for Polytechnic schools to provide good data which is easily readable because data is used to base decisions on. To improve the ability of lecturers and staff of the Polytechnic of Furniture Industry and Wood Processing Industry to visualise data, the programme Skills for Competitiveness (S4C) also conducted a training session in using Google Data Studio. Participants learned how to use the tool to visualise data in the form of dashboards or interactive reports. These skills can be used to illustrate student or staff data, financial information, research data and data surrounding work processes. At the end of the course, they received a certificate of the acquired knowledge issued by Google Analytics Academy.

The Skills for Competitiveness programme is financed by the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO and the Government of Indonesia.