Co-Creation & Design Workshop Series 1:  Supporting development of Jashore Stitch

Entrepreneurial ecosystems
Thirty women entrepreneurs signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to get involved with different activities related to the development of Jashore Stitch.

Funded by Switzerland and Government of Bangladesh, co-implemented by Swisscontact and Local Government Division (LGD), the PRABRIDDHI project is working with the partner municipalities to foster local economic development.

PRABRIDDHI and Dew Crafts organized a 3-day long co-creation & design workshop with Jashore municipality to support the development of Jashore Stitch and women led hand-embroidery sector. Under this intervention, 30 women entrepreneurs signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to get involved with different activities related to the development of Jashore Stitch. These activities will include product development, design innovation, and market linkages. Renowned designers and experts from national outlets will work closely with these women entrepreneurs throughout the intervention. 

2020 - 2025
Entrepreneurial ecosystems
PRABRIDDHI – Local Economic Development
PRABRIDDHI focuses on building the capacity of an urban or rural territory to create a competitive advantage for its enterprises through a broad set of activities and improve the economic well-being of its people and workers.