The Workshop addressed among other points the importance of curriculum development based on competencies in the water sector, the issue of the organization of the national professional qualification framework, and other issues under analysis such as the structure of an occupational profile.
During the opening session, CFPAS Director Pedro Ngale congratulated the partnership with Swisscontact, Skills to Build Project, while stressing the importance of professional qualification for prominence in the labor market. "For us, it is a pleasure to be able to offer more technical knowledge and that we know that will make a difference in the professional performance of each of our graduates. The world is undergoing constant transformations and we need to be improving our learning, following the current market dynamics, that's why we count on the collaboration of all actors in the water sector," said the Director.
The Project Manager of Skills to Build of Swisscontact, CFPAS partner organization in the development of curricula in Water and Sanitation, Régula Chávez- Malgiaritta reinforced the commitment that the organization has in the creation of this type of platforms and encouraged organizations and companies in the water sector, present at the event, to participate with ideas for the elaboration of the curricula. "These are relevant issues that we need to work together, we are all making an effort. You are an important part of this process because you deal daily with the water sector, you know your needs, what is the profile of the professionals that you would like to incorporate in your company or institution. That is why it is so essential to do these workshops, to discuss the topics and contents, lines and materials that are needed to do work together and thus develop an updated, relevant training, with the contents that the private and public company in the water sector need, and young people can learn something that will serve to do a good job and fall in love with this profession to continue throughout life", she said. The proposals to be raised by this sectoral technical committee during this forum will be worked on and incorporated into the proposal of curricula and then submitted to the regulatory authority of vocational training in Mozambique, National Authority of Professional Education (ANEP). Swisscontact and the Professional Training Centre for Water and Sanitation (CFPAS) signed on February 14, 2020, a partnership to develop institutional capacity and participatory management in the production of professionals, qualifications and strengthen the capacity of CFPAS in the areas of water supply and sanitation in Mozambican context through the development of curricula.