Research: Center of Excellence 

To promote R4D on agroecology practices, strengthen research and agroecology skills and improve R4D infrastructure and capacity with the objective to accelerate the transition to Regenerative Agriculture, the Bos Khnor Conservation Agriculture Research for Development Centre (CARDEC) will need to function as Centre of Excellence for Research for Development (R4D) in the agroecology. A 5-year strategic roadmap of the Bos Khnor Center has been finalized with the support of CIRAD and Swisscontact. The roadmap is the property of the Department of Land Resources Management (DALRM)


The first CA-related research activities in Cambodia started in 2004 as part of the Crop Diversification and Smallholder Rubber Development Project (SRDP) Phase 2, funded by the French Agency for Development (AFD) and implemented by the General Directorate of Rubber of MAFF in partnership with the French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD). Since then, Cambodia has capacitated necessary human resources with CA technical knowledge and experiences through the experiments and testing of cropping systems of upland annual crops as well as the development of a cover crop genetic bank leading to the start of crop genetic conservation in Bos Khnor commune, Chamkar Leu district, Kampong Cham province.

Over the years, the centre has evolved into what is now known as the Bos Khnor Conservation Agriculture Research for Development Centre (CARDEC). Swisscontact and CIRAD have been working closely with DALRM in supporting the formation of the strategic roadmap for the Bos Khnor center. The roadmap proposes that Bos Khnor turns into a Centre of Excellence for research for development (R4D) in the agroecology sector in Cambodia. It is envisaged that CARDEC (once approved) will be a leading national and regional centre in promoting agroecological transition, food security, and nutrition in the context of climate-smart agricultural modernization. 

Aims and Objectives of CARDEC

The mission of CARDEC is to conserve crop genetic resources, conduct experiments, and assess and promote agricultural production systems based on agroecological and sustainable intensification, by building the capacity of relevant stakeholders, especially farmers, to increase agricultural productivity and promote the livelihoods of rural communities.

Institutionalisation Vision

It is envisioned that CARDEC’s 5-year strategic plan will be implemented by DALRM of GDA/MAFF and will be embedded within DALRM. However, this strategy will be reviewed for its appropriateness and will be revised in accordance with specific framework when there is an official decision recognizing CARDEC. 

CARDEC in the Making

Establishment of Conservation Agriculture Research Station
Since 2004, innovative cropping systems and practices based on the principles of Conservation Agriculture (CA) have been designed and tested in different agroecosystems of Cambodia. Results from these scientific studies, showed that CA Production Systems (CAPS) improved soil fertility, reduced labour, conserved water, increased yield and smallholder farmer’s income. However, for a sustainable change to occur, it was crucial for the private sector to adopt the cropping systems. CIRAD has been supporting the DALRM on this initiative.
Establishment of Conservation Agriculture Service Center (CASC) and Service Provision
Department of Agriculture Land Resources Management (DARLM) with the support from CIRAD started Conservation Agriculture Service Center (CASC) and provided machinery services and cover crops to farmers in some area of Battambang province. This effort resulted in early adoption of Conservation Agriculture in the project areas. More farmers showed their interest to invest in CA technologies through service provision and cover crop production.
Bos Khnor CA Research Station was incorporated in the Technology Park network in Cambodia
As more stakeholders started getting involved in the sector, the scope of the research station expanded. In 2016, Sustainable Intensification Innovation Lab (SIIL) funded by USAID and coordinated by Kansas State University, supported the cooperation between Appropriate-Scale Mechanization Consortium (ASMC), Women in Agriculture Network (WAgN) and Center of Excellence on Sustainable Agricultural Intensification and Nutrition (CE SAIN) to extend CA and SI in different agroecological systems of Cambodia. Under the cooperation between GDA and CE SAIN, Bos Khnor CA Research Station was incorporated in the Technology Park network in Cambodia.
Private Sector Engaged
Over the course of sustainable development of CA, it was crucial to engage private sector actors along the agricultural value chains to provide technologies, inputs, operation know-how, and access to finance to support the transition process of farmers, in addition to the services already offered by CASC. With this recognition, Conservation Agriculture Services with a Fee (CASF) together with Mekong Inclusive Growth and Innovation Program (MIGIP) facilitated the engagement of private sector and contributed to the commercialization of CA-related machinery and cover crop seed production.
Development of the Strategic Development Plan initiated
Preparation of the Strategic Development Plan for CASC was initiated by the Department of Agricultural Land Resource Management​ (DALRM) of the General Directorate of Agriculture (GDA), along with the decision of DALRM on the establishment of a Working Group for the Strategic Plan Development. Working Group of DALRM developed the first draft of the Strategic Plan and organized a consultative workshop with the other departments of GDA. The Working Group considered an important justification to revise the name from CASC to “Bos Khnor Conservation Agriculture Research for Development Centre (CARDEC)”
Strategic Development Plan of Bos Khnor Conservation Agriculture Research for Development Centre 2022-2026 developed by the Department of Agricultural Land Resources Management
5-year strategic roadmap of the Bos Khnor Center has been finalized with the support of CIRAD and Swisscontact on 9th December 2021. The roadmap is the property of the Department of Land Resources Management (DALRM). The roadmap is yet to be launched.

Events & Articles

Final Consultative Workshop on Strategic Development Plan for Bos Khnor Conservation Agriculture Service Center (2022-2026)
On 12 October 2021, the Department of Agricultural Land Resources Management (DALRM) of the General Directorate of Agricultural (GDA) organized a consultative workshop to gather final inputs on the Draft Strategic Development Plan for Bos Khnor Conservation Agriculture Service Center (2022-2026) carried out with the financial and technical support by Swisscontact through the Innovation for Sustainable Agriculture project (ISA) and La recherche agronomique pour le développement (Cirad).
Partnership Agreement Signed to Develop Agriculture Research Station Roadmap Plan
A tripartite Partnership Agreement was signed by the Department of Agricultural Land Resources Management (DALRM), General Directorate of Agriculture (GDA), Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF), Swisscontact and CIRAD to jointly collaborate on developing Bos Khnor Conservation Agriculture Research Station’s 5-year Roadmap Plan (2020-2025) on July 27 at GDA.
Regional Training on Appropriate Scale Mechanisation for Conservation Agriculture
The Regional Training on Appropriate Scale Mechanisation for Conservation Agriculture was held on May 6-9, 2019 in Siem Reap and Bos Khnor, Cambodia. The training was jointly organized by the General Directorate of Agriculture (GDA) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF), Cambodia, and the Centre for Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (CSAM-ESCAP), the Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement (CIRAD) and Swisscontact.