
To provide technical information and know how to facilitate the adoption of regenerative agriculture, “MetKasekor’’ (meaning farmers’ friend in Khmer), an initiative of the Government of Cambodia, functions as an early adopter led extension service model, which focuses on ’opening the market’ for private sector investments on Sustainable Intensification via government agents and the private sector to smallholder farmers in Cambodia.  MetKasekor is in the first year of its four years pilot. The pilot is supported by the Center of Excellence Sustainable Agricultural Intensification (CESAIN), Kansas State University, French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD) and Swisscontact.  


Since 2004, innovative cropping systems and practices based on the principles of Conservation Agriculture (CA) and regenerative agriculture have been designed and tested in different agroecosystems of Cambodia. Results from these scientific studies showed that CA Production Systems (CAPS) improved soil fertility, reduced labor, conserved water, and increased yield and smallholder farmer’s income. However, for a sustainable change to occur in farming systems, private sector engagement was crucial.

Understanding this need of private sector engagement, from 2018 to 2020, the Mekong Inclusive Growth and Innovation Programme (MIGIP) & Conservation Agriculture Service with a Fee (CASF) project collaborated in an agricultural extension intervention called MetKasekor. This project intervention aimed to disseminate and promote the practice of regenerative agriculture in Ratanak Mondul district of Battambang province. The agricultural extension was carried out through close engagement with service providers and smallholder farmers in the target locations, as well as private companies, in order to promote the practice of regenerative agriculture. The MIGIP and CASF experience proved to be a successful and efficient model to provide extension on regenerative agriculture. Based on this success the MetKasekor model was further developed as a brand product and embedded into the government system.

“MetKasekor’’ (meaning farmers’ friend in Khmer) is an early adopter led extension service model, which focuses on ’opening the market’ for private sector investments on Sustainable Intensification via government agents and the private sector to smallholder farmers in Cambodia.  It is offered by the Provincial Agriculture Department (PDAFF), managed by the Department of Extension Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DEAFF) and coordinated closely with the private sector (cover crop companies and machine providers) to expand services and products of regenerative agriculture (CA/SI) to farmers.

Aims and Objectives

MetKasekor is a government resource that aims to improve the public agricultural extension service system in Cambodia and to promote appropriate technologies and extension services for a sustainable intensification of agricultural production leading to reduced negative impacts on the environment including an improved soil health that allows smallholder farmers to increase their productivity and income.

Because adoption of a new idea, product, or innovation such as MetKasekor does not happen simultaneously in a social system; rather it is a process whereby some people are more apt to adopt the innovation than others. Therefore, MetKasekor needs to be promoted by the government until the tipping point is reached. Once it reaches the tipping point, it is generally accepted that the innovation is accepted and will take off, resulting in more farmers accessing regenerative agriculture extension services primarily then delivered by the private entities.

Institutionalization Vision

MetKasekor needs to be fully integrated into the existing extension system of government, including provision of resources. The model is getting one step closer to this goal as the MetKasekor Steering Committee was formally established on May 10th, 2022, after the approval from H.E. Veng Sakhon, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.

MetKasekor in the Making

Private Sector Engagement
Extension plays an important role in promoting technologies to the farmers. This role becomes even more important while introducing new concepts such as regenerative agriculture. However, the public extension system cannot reach out to all the farmers in Cambodia. The private sector understands that the future of agriculture is moving toward regenerative agriculture and sustainable intensification, however, they are hesitant to invest in opening a new market themselves as they do not see a high return on investment. The private sector will only invest in product promotion if the farmers already have adequate knowledge. Therefore, there was a realization that the public sector must take the lead by developing a common model that brings together all relevant stakeholders to pave the way to transition from conventional farming practices to new regenerative agriculture practices, so that private sector can follow through with their investment and promotion.
Development of the MetKasekor Model
Conservation Agriculture Service Centre (CASC) under the DALRM had been experimenting with a early adopter led extension model, where CASC would provide the services such as no-till, land levelling, cover crop in addition to the technical advice. However, the model was still dependent on funding from projects, hence would not be sustainable. It was here that Swisscontact and CASC/DALRM and CIRAD sat to discuss a sustainable model. This would be possible for such services to be provided by the Provincial Departments of Agriculture (PDAFF) as they are the mandated body to provide extension services. But the private sector needed to be brought to provide the no-till, cover crop etc. services. The team then engaged with the Department of Extension Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DEAFF) to discuss the public-private extension service. After the discussion on the learnings, the extension service morphed into the MetKasekor Model, an agriculture extension service with an aim to have public and private sector coordinate in the provision of extension services that emphasizes on sustainable practices so that farmers can gain access to appropriate and relevant agriculture technologies and techniques was envisaged. A meeting with the three departments, Department of Agriculture Engineering (DAEng), Department of Extension Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAEFF) and Department of Agriculture Land Resource Management (DALRM) and other partners such as SmartAgro, CE SAIN (RUA) and Sustainable Intensification Innovation Lab (SIIL) at Kansas State University (KSU) was conducted to showcase the idea of MetKasekor to gather feedback to further refine the model. In December of 2020, the MetKasekor team visited the PDAFF in Battambang and Preah Vihear to present the model. The PDAFFs showed interest in the model and decided to pilot it.
MetKasekor pilot launched
The MetKasekor model took off in 2021. A memorandum of understanding was signed by CESAIN, CIRAD, KSU and Swisscontact to support the four-year pilot. The technical training materials along with the MetKasekor Handbook was developed by the Department of Agricultural Land Resources Management (DALRM, GDA), Department of Agricultural Engineering (DAEng, GDA), Department of Extension for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DEAFF, MAFF), SmartAgro, CIRAD, Swisscontact, CE SAIN (RUA), Faculty of Agricultural Engineering (RUA). A consultation meeting on MetKasekor Model was remotely organized as a part of the United Nation’s Member State Dialogues under the Food Systems Summit 2021 Dialogues Gateway. In December 2021, a Signing Ceremony and Annual Meeting 2021 for MetKasekor model was organized by Department of Extension Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DEAFF), General Directorate of Agriculture (GDA) and Royal University of Agriculture (RUA), Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) to officially kick-start the pilot of the model in two provinces in Cambodia, namely Battambang and Preah Vihear.
MetKasekor steering committee established
MetKasekor has proven to be an effective and efficient model. The Provincial Department of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries (PDAFF) in Preah Vihear and Battambang province organized demand creation meetings with agriculture cooperatives, service providers and small holders’ farmers showing ownership of the MetKasekor Model. The MetKasekor Steering Committee was formally established on May 10th, 2022, after the approval from H.E. Veng Sakhon, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. Furthermore, MetKasekor website along with an IT platform that has been designed to address the challenge of data collection and analysis with regards to the increasing uptake of conservation agriculture practices in Cambodia was also launched.

Resource Documents

Events & Articles

Provincial Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery oriented on the upcoming MetKasekor Mobile Application
The orientation on the upcoming MetKasekor Mobile Application (App), organized by Swisscontact acting on behalf of the MetKasekor support team (comprising of members from CIRAD, CESAIN, KSU and Swisscontact), was conducted in Preah Vihear province on 5th April 2022 and in Battambang province on 7th April and was attended by the officers of Department of Extension Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DEAFF) of the two PDAFFs along with the MetKasekor technical team.
New and sustainable agriculture technologies and practices in Cambodia promoted by MetKasekor Model
The MetKasekor Agriculture Extension Model – an innovative approach aiming at promoting new and sustainable agriculture technologies and practices among early-adopter farmers – launched a pilot for Battambang & Preah Vihear Provinces during the MetKasekor Annual Meeting 2021.
Government takes charge of MetKasekor’s demand creation meetings
The Provincial Department of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries (PDAFF) in Preah Vihear and Battambang province organized demand creation meetings with agriculture cooperatives, service providers and small holders’ farmers showing ownership of the MetKasekor Model.
Consultation Meeting on MetKasekor Agriculture Extension Model
Phnom Penh, 05 August 2021: Information Technologies and Innovation for Agriculture: Consultation Meeting on MetKasekor Model, was remotely organized as a part of the United Nation’s Member State Dialogues under the Food Systems Summit 2021 Dialogues Gateway.
MetKasekor Extension Model
MetKasekor is an innovative extension model. MetKasekor focuses on opening the market for private sector investments. The model is a government resource for the future with the intention to improve the public agricultural extension service system in Cambodia.
More Cambodian Farmers Minimize Soil Ploughing
Field ploughing has been a conventional method for land preparation in Cambodia agriculture practice since the ancient time. The practice is so traditional that every year Cambodians come together to celebrate Royal Ploughing Ceremony, a sacred rite that marks the beginning of a new farming season.