Le projet
The project pursues to achieve the overall goal of the project through the following outcomes and areas of work:
Outcome 1: Underprivileged youth benefit from IVET courses to enhance their employability or to re-enter the education system.
- Development of the legal basis for the Equivalency Programmes (EP) which allows achieving the Lower Secondary School Certificate back-to-back with vocational training.
- Definition of the financing modality for Certificate 1/ 2/ 3 courses at IVET schools.
- Revision and development of relevant courses, curricula and learning materials.
- Capacity development of IVET teachers and other core staff.
- Provision of C1/ 2/ 3/, EP and mobile training courses to the underprivileged youth.
Outcome 2: Underprivileged youth benefit from Coaching for Employment and Entrepreneurship (C4EE) to enhance their chances for wage or self-employment.
- Adaptation of the C4EE concept, successfully introduced by Swisscontact in other countries, to the Lao PDR context.
- Identification and capacity development of C4EE partners and their staff (coaches) to deliver C4EE.
- Provision of C4EE to underprivileged youth.
- Development of the concept and modality for seed money (start-up capital) to be awarded for good self-employment ideas (business plans) developed by underprivileged youth.
- Provision of seed money for selected self-employment ideas.
Outcome 3: Stakeholders in the TVET system contribute to improved performance regarding access, delivery and quality of IVET training and Employment Support Services (ESS) through innovations on organisational, institutional and systems level.
- Development of the concept and modality for the challenge Fund (CF) to finance innovative projects that lead to improved access, delivery and quality of IVET training and ESS.
- Dissemination of information about the CF, and orientation and capacity building of interested CF applicants to support the development of their project concepts and proposals.
- Selection and financing of the projects qualifying for CF support.
Target areas:
The project works in 5 selected provinces located in the north, center and the south of the country which are Oudomxay, Xiengkhuang, Xayaboury, Khammuane and Saravan.
Key implementing governmental partners:
Ministry of Education and Sports – MoES, Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare – MoLSW.
Target groups:
- Main: Young people (15-35 years of age) who have completed primary school only and are deprived socially and economically.
- Wider: Teachers and other core staff from IVET schools, staff from other government related agencies such as job centres, youth and women unions, local NGOs and other private organisations and enterprises.
Partenaire du projet
Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU)