Programa de desarrollo inclusivo en áreas de recepción - Zona Sur (DIZA Sud)

The DIZA programme is the result of a request from the Chadian State, through the Ministry of Economy and Development Planning, to intervene on the dynamics of host populations / refugee populations, returnees and displaced persons to which the European Union has responded positively. The DIZA targets vulnerable people, namely indigenous people, refugees, displaced persons and returnees in various regions of Chad. The programme approach is part of the humanitarian-development nexus, i.e. the DIZA thus combines humanitarian and development activities.

Ranked 186 out of 188 countries on its Human Development Index, Chad is the 4th largest country in the world in terms of the proportion of refugees in relation to its indigenous population. Indeed, for more than a decade, conflicts in the Central African Republic, Sudan (Darfur) and more recently in Nigeria have forced 380,000 people to flee their countries to Chad, mainly in the eastern and southern regions of the country.

The level of poverty, linked to unemployment and lack of access to economic, social and environmental resources and basic services (schools, water, hygiene and sanitation infrastructure, functional health centres, etc.) and limited natural resources, weakens the situation of host populations and refugees.

sarh, tchad
Duración del proyecto
2018 - 2023
Financiado por
  • Unión Europea
  • Agencia Suiza para el Desarrollo y la Cooperación COSUDE
  • Agence Française de Développement (AFD)

El proyecto

The overall objective is to improve the living conditions of host populations and refugees/returnees in host areas in order to minimize factors contributing to inter-community tensions, instability and ultimately the risk of increased forced displacement and conflict. The project will:

  • support the access to basic services and social protection mechanisms for all populations (local, returnees and refugees) ;
  • strengthen the creation of economic opportunities and jobs to empower people to achieve economic self-sufficiency as well as food and nutrition security and
  • strengthen local consultation mechanisms between populations, local authorities, the private sector, technical services and stakeholders.

Project partners :
Caritas Switzerland (lead) in consortium with Solidarité International (Consortium partner), Swisscontact, the Initiative Humanitaire pour le Développement Local (IHDL), PARCEC (Promotion et Appui au Réseau des Coopératives d’Epargne et de Crédit) and le Bureau d’Etudes et de Liaison d’Action Caritative et de Développement (BELACD Caritas de Sarh).


The project targets 1 125 young people to be trained and supported for their socio-economic integration over a three-year period.