Kha Sok

Workstream Team Leader, SeT4SME

Improving Small Package E-Trade for SMEs (SeT4SME)

Mr. SOK Kha joined Swisscontact in early 2021 as one of the core team members that contribute to moving the SeT4SME project from the designing phase to the implementation phase as it is today. He currently works 50% of his time as a Workstream Team Leader of SeT4SME. He leads the technical components of the project, shaping and advancing the workplan of the project activities, leading the cooperation work and dialogues with project partners and other stakeholders. He provides technical inputs and advise to the SeT4SME project team across different functions. He is concurrently also a trade facilitation advisor for ASEAN–EU project ARISE Plus (Cambodia) that supports the Cambodian government in implementing various trade facilitation measures.

SOK Kha has an academic background in economics, having received his Master Degree and Certificate of Completion of Doctoral Program in Economic, from Kyoto University, Japan.